Lessons, Classes & Seminars

Wool-Tyme is offering classes, small group lessons and seminars. 

Check back on this this page often to see what we'll be offering in the coming months and to register your spot.

Some classes require homework prior to attending.  For these, instruction sheets will be emailed to participants following confirmation of registration payment.  

Upcoming classes: 

Share a Stitch: Needlework First Saturday of the month (April, May, June)

Share a Stich: Crochet & Knit Group: May and June, Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 am

Share a Stitch: Crochet and Knit Group: Thursday evening, April 24 and June 26

Learn to Knit: Classes in May/June

Learn to Crochet:  Classes in April, May and June

Fearless Finishing: April 12

Crochet a Bunny Garland: April 17

Learn to Knit Socks - Magic Loop, Toe up: May 1 & 15

Knit Your First Lace Shawl: May 24 & 31

Crochet a Summer Hat: June 5 & 12



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